Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hearthstone Odds Calculator

Mad Bomber and Avenging Wrath are random. But you want to know the odds of accomplishing your goals.
The great GuardsmanBob suggested someone code this.
  • If you play Avenging Wrath, don't include yourself as a target.
  • If you play Mad Bomber, include yourself as a target.
  • If a minion has divine shield, just add one to its health.
Quick numbers:
Bomber vs. 1 hp: 70.4%
Bomber vs. 2 hp: 25.9%
Bomber vs. 3 hp: 3.7%
AWrath vs. 1 hp: 99.6%
AWrath vs. 2 hp: 96.5%
AWrath vs. 3 hp: 85.5%
AWrath vs. 4 hp: 63.7%
AWrath vs. 5 hp: 36.3%
AWrath vs. 6 hp: 14.5%
AWrath vs. 7 hp: 3.5%
AWrath vs. 8 hp: 0.4%
Target 0: Health = Target 3: Health =
Target 1: Health = Target 4: Health =
Target 2: Health = Target 5: Health =